PoP's Southern American: Here is proof that since the end of the WBTS, history has been revised.


Here is proof that since the end of the WBTS, history has been revised.

Wednesday, March 31, 1897
Some Glaring Falsifications in a Book used in some Schools in the State
[From the Abbeville Medium.]

On account of absence from home we temporarily discontinued our observations upon Montgomery’s Leading Facts of American History: a book which has been used for several years in our city schools by and with the consent of our board of trustees, who certainly never examined the book before its introduction.

The book is strictly partisan, and the author’s errors are not confined to the period of the war between the States. He has the puritancan view on almost every subject. Speaking of Aaron Burr and his duel with Hamilton, he characterizes the killing of Hamilton as “an act hardly differing from downright murder.” In our view Hamilton was as guilty as Burr. His being killed did not change the moral quality of his act in going on the field. Some appologist for Hamilton say that he was opposed to the Code, but this seems to be a mistake, for if he was opposed to the Code he would not have consented to meet Burr on the field of honor. When Hamilton met his deserved fate the hypocrites of New England began the cry against Burr and Montgomery is keeping it up.

Montgomery misrepresents the attitude of Napoleon towards the United States during the administration of Madison.

Montgomery says that Charles Sumner was brutally assaulted by Preston S. Brooks and so severely beaten over the head with a heavy cane that he gave up his seat in Congress for four years, while there can be no doubt that Sumner magnified his injuries to help along the anti-slavery crusade and posed before Europe as a martyr to liberty.
Montgomery says that when the war began the South was better prepared for it than the North “by having got possession of arms and ammunition.” This was an old story manufactured at the beginning of the war against Floyd, Secretary of War, for political purposes, but no intelligent man of this day puts any confidence in any such a yarn. It is well known that the Southern men who held office under the United States at the time of secession turned over all public property to the Government, including war vessels and all kinds of military supplies.

Montgomery says that in the beginning of the war the cry at the South was “On to Washington.” This is pure fiction, for the idea at the South was only to resist invasion and there was no design against Washington.

Speaking of Chancellorsville Montgomery says that while the Yankees were badly beaten, Hooker might possibly have gained the victory, but “at a critical moment he was stunned by a cannon ball and lay senseless for many hours.” Hooker’s injuries have been magnified by Montgomery in order to excuse his overwhelming defeat. He was only slightly hurt and was not out of his head for anything like “many hours.” It was not the cannon ball that rattled Hooker so much as the charge made by “Lee’s incomparable infantry,” as described by Draper, a Northern historian, who is not so prejudiced as Montgomery.

It is not necessary to give any more examples of the mistakes made by Montgomery in his Leading Facts of American History. This book has been used by teachers and these errors perpetuated among our children, and none of our teachers have protested against the use of this partisan volume.

It is any wonder why people do not know their history.

Thanks to:
John Zakrzewski (Zak)
Dixie's Living Historians


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