PoP's Southern American: MEMORIAL DAY (2013) AT GREEN HILL (Elizabethton,TN) & MISUSE OF THE U.S. FLAG



Another Memorial Day has arrived and the Watauga Historical Association has used the occasion to misuse the U.S. Flag to make their political point:  “No flag should fly higher than the U.S. Flag.”  Although the U.S. Flag code states this, there must be some common sense and dignity used here.  The childish and crass placing of U.S. flags in the manner depicted in the accompanying photos is a demonstration of the lack of decorum used by this organization.  They have used a sacred holiday to make a burial ground a tacky show of their hatred for the Confederate flag.  This is a common thing for them to do.  Knowing we have an event scheduled there next Saturday (Confederate Decoration Day in Tennessee), they have “set the table” for us.  Never mind the Betsy Ross flag is flying through Memorial Day on the S.C.V. flag pole, they must make sure the small stick flags on the Confederate graves are “countered” by their little game of one-ups-man ship.  This organization had an offer, in 2009 from the V.F.W., to set a high end flag pole for them.  The offer was declined.

Some will say the South did not want to give up the Stars and Stripes and were so reluctant to give it up, that the First National was designed in similar appearance.  Confusion on the field of battle led to more recognizable flags.  Therefore, it is appropriate to place either or both flags on a Confederate grave.  Others say it is inappropriate due to the soldier (being honored as a Confederate soldier), should only have the flag he fought under on the grave. 

In any event the use of the U.S. flag to politicize a burial ground is tacky, crass and subject to scrutiny.  Patriotism has room for both the Union and Confederate dead, as was observed in a ceremony at East Hill Cemetery in Bristol, VA.  The Confederate soldiers had their flag and veterans of other wars had a U.S. flag.  Note both are American flags.  A Confederate flag is, as H.K. Edgerton stated, “as American as hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.”  The Sons of Confederate Veterans leave stick flags on the Confederate veterans year round and maintain them.  W.H.A. only places flags on Memorial Day and what a spectacle they have again made.
Observe these photos and draw your own conclusions. You may contact the officers of W.H.A. at these addresses: 

Cheryl Smith, President
Watauga Historical Association
P.O. Box 1776
Elizabethton, TN 37644-1776

Dawn Peters, President
Green Hill Cemetery Preservation Committee
168 Laurel Ridge Road
Jonesborough, TN 37659



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