PoP's Southern American: January 2013



THE CONFEDERATE FLAG ~ Henry Lynden Flash (1835-1914)

Four stormy years we saw it gleam,
A people's hope...and then refurled,
Even while its glory was the theme
Of half the world.

A beacon that with streaming ray
Dazzled a struggling nation's sight--
Seeming a pillar of cloud by day,
Of fire by night.

They jeer who trembled as it hung,
Comet-like blazoning the sky--
And heroes, such as Homer sung,
Followed it to die.

It fell...but stainless as it rose,
Martyred, like Stephen, in the strife--
Passing, like him, girdled with foes,
From Death to Life.

Flame's trophy!
Sanctified with tears--
Planted forever at her portal;
Folded, true:What then? Four short years
Made it immortal!

Thanks to:
Eileen Parker Zoellner

Confederate soldier's letter shows feelings

The below is undocumented but. I'm sure most all Confederates held the same sentiments. GB/PoP Aaron

I am 82 years of age. My grandfather served the Confederacy under North Carolina Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew. He died at the Battle of Gettysburg. I will allow his thoughts, written to my grandmother just a couple of weeks prior to that battle, to speak for themselves.

“My lovely wife. I do so miss you, and the life we have there on the small plot of land God has given us. More and more, it seems that my thoughts are drifting back there to reside with you. Yet, as badly as I desire to be back home, it is for home for which I deem it best for my presence here with these other men. The proclamation by the Lincoln administration six months prior may appear noble. Were I here in these conditions, simply to keep another man in bondage, I would most certainly walk away into the night and return unto you. God knows my heart, and the hearts of others here amongst me. We know what is at stake here, and the true reason for this contest that requires the spilling of the blood of fellow citizens. Our collective fear is nearly universal. This war, if it is lost, will see ripples carry forward for five, six, seven or more generations. I scruple not to believe, as do the others, that the very nature of this country will be forever dispirited. That one day, our great great grandchildren will be bridled with a federal bit, that will deem how and if they may apply the gospel of Christ to themselves, their families and their communities. Whether or not the land of their forefathers may be deceitfully taken from them through taxation and coercion. A day where only the interests of the northern wealthy will be shouldered by the broken and destitute bodies of the southern poor. This my darling wife, is what keeps me here in this arena of destruction and death.”

© Copyright 2013, Daily Progress


If you have what it takes, join us!

We must have an obligation to have a clear, definable and substantive object of protest. Confederate Flagging is not a game or a pastime. It is a serious civic act and should not be undertaken frivolously or without legitimate cause or provocation. Trivial, ephemeral, vague or undefined goals are not legitimate objects of Flagging.

We ARE of proud Confederate blood and we should act as such. NEVER put a blemish on the memory of our supporters, flags, heroes or the honour they so richly deserve.... Period!

There will be other groups that will participate in many of our Flagging's, SCV, VA Flaggers, etc. WE must respect the relationship they share with us. We should never compromise their good name, goals or efforts.


1-No novelty flags or modified Confederate or state flags.

2-Be neatly dressed, no obscene clothing that shows disrespect to Confederate or state flags, heroes, our beloved Dixie or racist comments or images. Absolutely, NO profanity!

3-Don't take the bait!... Always respond to verbal or suggestive insults with a hand wave, smile and say God bless you. By doing this simple...You shall heap coals of fire on his head, and the LORD shall reward you. Proverbs 25:22... Respect everyone even if it makes you sick.

4-NO use or possession of alcohol, drugs or anything else that will leave an irreparable mark on the good name of all Flaggers and supporters of same.

5-Show respect to law enforcement.... Do NOT argue with them (you will not win!)You will find many in law enforcement that agree with our efforts.

6-Flagging will be directed by Brother Bill Hicks, our Sergeant of The Line will be completely in charge if present when TFG Flags. He has the knowledge to keep things moving and Southern manners to keep y'all out of trouble. If Brother Bill Hicks is unavailable, a Sergeant of The Line will be appointed and his/her directions will be followed without contest.

7-Do not speak to the press! A person will be appointed to handle this. Be most careful when speaking with anyone, direct questions to our spokesperson.... This must be done with the utmost respect

8-Always leave the Flagging area cleaner than found. Police the area often removing any trash.

9-Always be cheerful, waving and smiling.

10-Let us do our duty leaving an excellent example of Southern respect and honour.

If you have what it takes, join us! The below will be held private.

Contact - (423)652-0213





What does it mean to be Southern,

or to believe in the importance of preserving Southern heritage? It means more than merely protecting symbols, although this is of course important. It also means protecting a set of moral convictions or basic, fundamental values that are under assault today. These include the fundamental goodness of family, understood as one man married to one woman, with their children. The children are to learn early in life the importance of obedience to their parents—something no longer to be found in the today’s American cultural mainstream. They are to learn to respect the experience of their elders.

Another basic value frequently expressed among pro-South types is that of limited government, where the limiting element is a written Constitution. What is meant by this should be fairly obvious, but again, Constitutionally limited government is almost a foreign concept today. First, Second and Fourth Amendment rights have been under attack for years, and sometimes the attacks are not even reported in the mainstream media. Moreover, the Ninth and Tenth Amendments are all but forgotten. Our federal government was originally created by the States—as an outcome of the First Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. Its nature and structure were set out by the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution is not a perfect document, and Constitutionalism not a perfect political philosophy. It does not protect itself; it depends on a morally upright and vigilant citizenry. Right from the beginning,critics of the Constitution, the so-called Antifederalists, held that it contained too many loopholes which those who wanted powerful central government would sooner or later squirm through. The core of so-called Antifederalism (which actually had better claim to the term federalism) was Virginia, a proud Southern State and home to Thomas Jefferson, who would become the leader of those opposed to Alexander Hamilton’s original efforts to build a bigger central government.

Religion is another core element of Southern heritage: strong belief in and love for God. Again, it is popular in a lot of circles today to question whether God even exists. It is easy to respond that many of our worst problems, particularly in the schools, seem to have begun when God was gradually removed from them. Coincidence? Some will point out that conjunction of two events does not equal causality, and it is true enough that there were problems in public schools before prayer was taken out of them. Problems are probably endemic to public schools because government-run education was a bad idea to begin with. But clearly the problems in government schools are today worse, beginning with the absence of discipline.

Within the Southern Heritage movement, God is the foundation of truth and morality, and as such, belongs not just in the schools but in one’s daily living. Accepting that we all answer to a Being not just larger than ourselves but larger than all of physical reality is humbling, and inspires a sense of obedience to that which transcends the contingencies of history and fashion. Accepting that we are all the creations of such a Being inspires, furthermore, a sense of dignity, and of respect for human life.

No heritage is perfect; all have their dark sides. One thing Southern heritage is not about is hatred. The South being one of the few remaining regions where one can find a large number of people committed to them. The issue is not race but freedom—and opposition to the avalanche of centralization and political correctness that are threats to all people everywhere, not just Southerners.

Eileen Parker Zoellner
Tennessee Confederate Flagger


Thank you for walking beside us

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for walking beside us and never leaving those of us who have trusted you as our personal Lord and Savior! For providing us such a great salvation and your eternal promises, we give you all the praise, honour and glory! When our roads appear at their darkest, you carry us through to your light - thank you! Thank you watching over us and may we always put you first as nothing else is of eternal importance!

Because of your great love, we come to you offering ourselves to your service. Use each one as we make ourselves available to be used. The blessings we receive are directly tied to our availability to be of service to you, of this there is no doubt! As we reach out to others, may they see you and your sacrificial love for them through us, and come to trust you as their personal Lord and Savior! No need is outside your ability to provide, if it's filling honours you!

Lord, we are so grateful for the heritage that you have called us to be a part of! Our ancestors honoured and trusted in you as they stood for independence from tyranny because they understood that only through complete dependence on you is true liberty possible! Strengthen us as we stand for truth! May our actions glorify you and honour our Southern ancestry! It is in the holy name of Jesus Christ that I pray this prayer - Amen!

Brother John Stones
Dixie's Living Historians


"Some Southern States Have Cultures That We Have To Overcome"


I wanted every man in this organization to see the following clip. It is an interview with a prominent US Congressman. The remark you will want to pay close attention to comes at about the 0:55 mark.

It is always good to remember just what is at stake. This transcends mundane SCV business; this goes the essence of what our forefathers went to war over... and the essence of a cruel, vindictive Reconstruction. Regrettably, that period has never ended for some.

View the following. Be aware... this is why we speak up for our ancestors. In doing so, we are also defending the ability of future Southerners to be just that... Southerners... Americans... and not be ridiculed for it:

I guess the message of tolerance, recalled on a national holiday (and echoed in a Presidential inauguration address) fell on deaf ears with some. If you are offended by this, then tell YOUR Congressman about it; ask him to hold his uncivil colleague up to ridicule. Use the following link:

Gene Hogan
Chief of Heritage Defense



A gun salute, the sound of “Taps” and the singing of “Dixie”sounded across the Gregg County Courthouse lawn Saturday as dozens of East Texans remembered their ancestors who served in the Confederate Army.

Representatives from the Sons of Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Order of the Confederate Rose were on hand to celebrate Confederate Heroes Day in front of the Confederate Heroes Monument.

“We are here to honor Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and your ancestors,” said Sam Mercer, commander of the Gen. John Gregg Camp in Longview.

The service, which commemorates the birthday of Confederate Civil War General Lee, included the placing of the wreaths near the Confederate heroes monument and recognition of the Confederate soldiers whose descendants were at the ceremony.

“We believe that they provided a heritage and a legacy”, Laney Pearson, chaplain of the General John Gregg Camp, told the gathered crowd.“Those principles (that they fought for) have not left us in these many years.”

From the Longview, Texas News Journal;
January 18, 2013


Our country was invaded

“Our country was invaded by armed men intent on the coercion and conquest. We met them on the threshold and beat them and drove them back as long as we had anything to eat or strength to fight with. We could do no more, we could do no less and history, our children and even many of our former enemies, now applaud our conduct.” Confederate Veteran

Defending the Heritage


VMFA & The Right to Honor Confederate Ancestors

On January 12th, 1908, Richard Elam was admitted as a resident to the Old Soldiers Home on the Boulevard in Richmond, Virginia, homeless and with no means of support. Private Elam had served with the 6th Va Infantry, Co. K in the War Between the States and was taken prisoner by the enemy at Petersburg.

He was but 12 years old when he entered the Confederate Army and fought to defend Virginia.

105 years later, January 12th, 2013, his cousin, TriPp Lewis decided to take the opportunity to honor the anniversary of his arrival on those same grounds, now designated perpetually as "Confederate Memorial Park".

Immediately upon stepping onto the grounds, Mr. Lewis was approached by a Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) Security Guard, who told him to leave the property. Mr. Lewis explained that he was there as a Virginia citizen to honor his ancestor who had lived and died on the property. After some discussion, and when he attempted to leave the property and return to the public sidewalk, Mr. Lewis was arrested by museum security guards. He was charged with misdemeanor trespassing and released immediately on his own recognizance.

While the Virginia Flaggers have always engaged in peaceful protests, and followed all legal directives by authorities, we will not stand idly by while others are bullied or illegally harassed. Although Mr. Lewis was acting as a private citizen in this instance, we offer him our full support and will stand by him in his defense of these unfair and unreasonable charges.

We know that there were only the most honorable intentions of one man and his children... to honor their ancestor on the hallowed grounds of the park, and it is apparent that museum officials were determined to make an example of him, in the presence of his children.

Nevertheless, the forthcoming legal proceedings will offer us the chance to challenge the arbitrary and ever-changing restrictions placed on the Flaggers by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and allow a court of law to decide the constitutionality of restricting the display of a Confederate Flag on Virginia State Property, specifically designated as "Confederate Memorial Park".

It will also allow us the opportunity to further expose the discriminatory and illegal act of the forced removal of Confederate flags from the portico of the Confederate Memorial Chapel and give us grounds to introduce this evidence into the public record via court proceedings and legal filings.

Now is the time for VMFA officials to recognize that there would be no Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, but for the generosity of the men of the Robert E. Lee Camp #1, United Confederate Veterans, who put their faith and trust in the Commonwealth that sent them to war....the same Commonwealth who now desecrates the Confederate Memorial Chapel, and threatens, intimidates, and arrests descendants of Confederate veterans who wish to honor their ancestors by carrying a Confederate flag on the very same grounds built by Confederate Veterans.

-Grayson Jennings, Va Flaggers


Northern leadership turned its back on slavery as a national problem

African slavery is so often attributed to the South, in the unthinking view of it, that people often forget there had been slaves in all the old colonies. Slaves were auctioned openly in the Market House of Philadelphia; in the shadow of Congregational churches in Rhode Island; in Boston taverns and warehouses; and weekly, sometimes daily, in Merchant's Coffee House of New York. Such Northern heroes of the American Revolution as John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin bought, sold, and owned black people. William Henry Seward, Lincoln's anti-slavery Secretary of State during the Civil War, born in 1801, grew up in Orange County, New York, in a slave-owning family and amid neighbors who owned slaves if they could afford them. The family of Abraham Lincoln himself, when it lived in Pennsylvania in colonial times, owned slaves.

African bondage in the colonies north of the Mason-Dixon Line has left a legacy in the economics of modern America and in the racial attitudes of the U.S. working class. Yet comparatively little is written about the 200-year history of Northern slavery.

Every New World colony was, in some sense, a slave colony. French Canada, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Cuba, Brazil -- all of them made their start in an economic system built upon slavery based on race. In all of them, slavery enjoyed the service of the law and the sanction of religion. In all of them the master class had its moments of doubt, and the slaves plotted to escape or rebel.

There were pockets of the North on the eve of the war where slaves played key roles in the economic and social order: New York City and northern New Jersey, rural Pennsylvania, and the shipping towns of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Black populations in some places were much higher than they would be during the 19th century. More than 3,000 blacks lived in Rhode Island in 1748, amounting to 9.1 percent of the population; 4,600 blacks were in New Jersey in 1745, 7.5 percent of the population; and nearly 20,000 blacks lived in New York in 1771, 12.2 percent of the population.

That war, however, proved to be the real liberator of the northern slaves. Wherever it marched, the British army gave freedom to any slave who escaped within its lines. This was sound military policy: it disrupted the economic system that was sustaining the war. Since the North saw much longer, and more extensive, incursions by British troops, its slave population drained away at a higher rate than the South's. At the same time, the governments in northern American states began to offer financial incentives to slave owners who freed their black men, if the emancipated slaves then served in the state regiments fighting the British.

When the Northern states gave up the last remnants of legal slavery, in the generation after the war, their motives were a mix of piety, morality, and ethics; fear of a growing black population; practical economics; and the fact that the war had broken the Northern slave owners' power and drained off much of the slave population. An exception was New Jersey, where the slave population actually increased during the war. Slavery lingered there until the Civil War, with the state reporting 236 slaves in 1850 and 18 as late as 1860.

The business of emancipation in the North amounted to the simple matters of, 1. determining how to compensate slave owners for the few slaves they had left, and, 2. making sure newly freed slaves would be marginalized economically and politically in their home communities, and that nothing in the state's constitution would encourage fugitive slaves from elsewhere to settle there.

But in the generally conservative, local process of emancipating a small number of Northern slaves, the Northern leadership turned its back on slavery as a national problem.

Dixie's Living Historian's
Eileen Parker Zoellner

The case of the South against the North

The case of the South against the North; or Historical evidence justifying the southern states of the American Union in their long controversy with northern states
By Benjamin F. b. 1831 Grady
Price - $27.99

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When you buy from this store you support The Tennessee Confederate Flaggers. This helps pay for hand-out flyers, flags and educational material.

Love & blessings,

Bro. PoP

PoP Aaron
The Southern American

Anonymous comments not posted.
Be man enough to stand as one.